June 1
Joyous Juin! Although I may not be in a gym training for Kilimanjaro my shin splints would say otherwise. Walking here is one of the main modes of transpiration and I could not be happier about it. Another contributing factor may be the 6 hours I was on my feet playing with some wonderful kids at an after school care center yesterday. The Zadigozag Cafe is super cool, allows for kids to explore their interest, and features a fully equipped coffee and desire bar. The kids come from migrant families but are filled with so much joy and kindness that the hours spent there are delighted in. I don't know how people do it every day because not only is my mind spinning from French but now my body is tres fatigue. As for today's adventures they included a French class that is quickly progressing (I think much faster than my personal French skills take me), a delicious mozzarella omelette for lunch, and an afternoon at the Red Cross. The Croix Rouge is an great service site, especially t...