May 23

I am officially in my French dream. Today I changed homestays and although it was difficult saying it wasn't working out ultimately I believe it was the right one because life is tres bonne a la mon maison. I am staying with my host mother who I am still unsure of her name and feel as though I just one the lottery. She is very nice with a French twist of sass and lives in a house her family built a long time ago, which means it includes lots of rooms and many gardens = fabulous. Another student is staying with me and she is absolutely lovely and the perfect housemate. I get to live in the studio which is downstairs and has its own door, kitchenette, bathroom, and living room...(WOW). Today also included my first day of French classes which I was 30 minutes late for due to the length of my previous homestay and my mapping skills. However, I learned a lot and have to make a video of me speaking so that should be interesting. This afternoon we went on a tour of Montpellier and discovered that it is SO fabulous. The gardens have been there since 1538, there are 70,000 students in the city which makes for quite the atmosphere, and the shops and cafes are down these fabulous little alleyways that you can just spend the entire day exploring. I am slowly but surely finding my fir here in Montpellier but for now c'est bon!


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