May 19

Je suis arrive a Pari! Today was filled with touring, tasting, and  the oh so fun time change. I began the day by meeting the rest of the group in the airport and already enjoy everyones company and personalities. We are staying in one of the oldest hotels in Paris right down the street from the Louvre and we were able to walk through the historic palace in which the Louvre is encompassed in. From there we strolled down the Seine to a fabulous little restaurant on the right bank where we ate baguettes, quiche, and some delicious salmon. Over lunch I was able to refresh my brain on French and by refresh I mean reaffirm my lack of French. Thankfully, the other students are extremely patient and kind with me and I’ve started taking notes (we’ll see how long that lasts). From there we went to my favorite part of Paris, Ile Saint Louie! We were able to see them oh so historic Notre Dame and go into a bread festival (France fifteen here I come!) We then took the oh so Euro and oh so necessary siesta a.k.a afternoon nap. As I lay in my little bed and listened to the sirens outside and as the Paris sunshine streamed on my face I couldn’t help but fall in love with Paris all over again. After the naps we went on the oh so touristy double decker bus and while it may not be the most posh I was able to see all my favorite tourist destinations and be covered from the evening rain (although what is more Midnight in Paris circa Own Wilson then taking an evening stroll in the rain?!) After all this touring and sitting our appetites were once again worked up and we went to a tres chic cafe (how does Paris get away with chic late night food?) and drink honest to goodness the best hot chocolate I have ever had (like melted chocolate bars but not too heavy) and some very very delicious nutella crepes. Overall I would say today, although one of the longest, was magnificent and we shall see where the adventure goes tomorrow! Bonne soir!


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