May 29

Bonne journée aujord hui! This morning was a très long French class, I think I am driving my French teacher absolutely insane because the verdict is in and I am not the least bit linguistic. I continuously stuble over pronunciations and can someone please tell me why there are masculines and feminine objects, countries, and actions in French?! However, we only have school in the morning and lunches make up for it todays lunch was an omelette, salad, and french fries (only in France!) After lunch we headed over to the Red Cross and got a tour of two locations in Montpellier. I'll be doing service here every week and look forward to diving in! They offer some great discounted items in which refugees or asylum seekers are able to spend their 15 euros they are allotted per month (That's right 15 euros-that is nearly how much my lunch cost today...) After the tour I hopped back on the tram and got off at the grocery store 'Casino' it resembles Walmart and Safeway and I truly felt like a Frenchy. I was searching for ingredients to make crepes when a lady stopped me in the milk aisle (mind you it is unrefrigerated because that's right they keep their milk unrefrigerated) and asked me if her milk was creme lait, I looked at the box, looked at her, pulled my shoulders back and gave her my best 'Oui', I think I passed as a true Frenchy. After my grocery adventure in which I felt quite accomplished I attempted crepe making in which I felt quite unaccomplished. Unfortunately I bought whole wheat fluiet (flour) so my crepes turned into healthy pancake looking things. They tasted like pretty much nothing but once I smacked some nutella and strawberries on them I like to think that they actually tasted better then a creperie. I feel as if I'm slowly piecing French together, but for now Montpellier is a wonderful home.


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