May 20

Today was fabulous to say the least and I knew it the moment I bit into the most delicious chocolate crossiant I have ever had this morning. I don't understand how the French have the reputation for being thin because with this diet I may be rolling up Mt. Kilimanjaro. Breakfast consisted of a plethora of breads which is my kind of breakfast. From there we went to the immigration museum and received a lecture on how the media misconstrues the truths of immigration, for example the largest percent of immagrants to France are from Portugal. The issues of immigration span far and wide even in a culture as profound as France, you can see this if you take a walk down the Seine and observe the homeless and beggars or even the men on street corners selling water or chestnuts. From the museum we went to a delicious cafe and had a quick bite to eat. From there I went on a stroll on my own in actuality looking for an ATM and ended up taking about a 2 hour walk and finding an absolutely gorgeous courtyard, tres chic boutique, and the most beautiful flower shop I've seen. (I also exchanged some money, bought a French Vouge after which I felt like I spent $50 on Vouge due to that lovely exchange rate.) After my adventure we walked into the Louvre to take a peak in which I spent about a total of 10 minutes at the statue section and then decided it's just all a little too much and read my $50 Vouge outside. For dinner we ventured into the Latin Quarter and thought we had a 15 minute walk to the Grand Mosque Restraunt that ended up being an hour and a half, it all turned out okay though because the mint tea they served was worth walking 10 hours for! Another wonderful day in Paris, off to Montpellier tomorrow!


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