May 28

Well that's a wrap on the weekend! It was tres successful... Saturday was a recoup day of sleeping in and making and then walking to the market and getting a baguette, chocolate croissant, eggs, and fruit and making a wonderful breakfast was one of the highlights. Saturday afternoon I spent wandering in and out of the Montpellier alleyways which are filled with the most adorable shops and cafes which I was able to weave my way through, later that afternoon I met with some friends to go to the beach and had a wonderful siesta there. Public transportation can be rather challenging and frustrating especially when the bus doesn't come and so we ended up walking 2 miles and as we got there saw the tram pulling away so had to wait 30 more minutes (hitch hiking isn't looking too shabby). Today was filled with lots of waiting for public transportation, a friend and I wanted to go hiking at Pic Saint Loup and turns out the bus we took just ends at a station called Pic Saint Loup not the actual mountain (which is 40 minutes away and has no transportation to it). But it definitely wasn't all bad because on our way back we made the best of it and stopped at a cafe and had quiche and sandwiches so c'est la vie! This afternoon I went for a run which let me to tell you is like walking down the street naked in the United States (when my host mom went to Berkely she actually saw two girls walking down the street naked... and people wonder why Americans have a bad rep with the French). For dinner my host mom made one of the most delicious meals I have ever had of Thai food with a delicious kind of Pad Thai and egg rolls, she has the chefs touch. A wonderful end to a wonderful weekend, bon journee!


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