June 23

Almost time to say au revoir to Montpellier! My last day here was a blissful one- sleeping in, having a late breakfast, heading to the beach, and packing all of my things. By some stroke of luck I was able to fit all of my things into my suitcase, unfortunately, I'm not sure as to how I'm going to wear any of those items of clothing because my body is extraordinarily sunburnt. My last dinner with my host mom was delicious some pasta, an omlettle, salad, and watermelon made it quite the treat alongside her company. Thinking back about my trip I can't help but think how incredibly thankful I am for all the amazing experiences I had been able to accumulate. From eating Moroccan food in Paris, to picking at the beach, to jumping off waterfalls, to dancing until 5 a.m. Montpellier has truly been the experience of a lifetime. Without my host mom/family, roommate, teachers, and friends I doubt any of these memories would have been possible. However it is time for the next adventure as I am off to Monaco for the ultimate European road trip, so goodbye Montpellier and Bonjour Monaco!


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