
And that’s a wrap! As I write I am en route back to the U.S of A flying over Iceland, reminiscing on all the fun and adventures I was able to experience this summer. 
Our last stop in Tanzania was Zanzibar aka heaven. After not having running water for nearly 3 weeks a Motel 6 would have been nice but Zanzibar was just heaven. The water was a beautiful turquoise and the sand a fine white, the hotel had everything in excess including some delicious seafood and the 3 nights was just bliss. However, Africa’s pace started getting on my hyperactive nerves a bit but as they say hakuna matata!
The travel day(s) back from Zanzibar have been quite brutal including a 11 hour layover in the Dar Es Salam airport, any airport is not somewhere where you want to be stuck for 11 hours but with no food Dar Es Salam ranks pretty high on worst places to be stranded. However, travel is travel and I think I would do my travel days a million times to be able to have all the experiences and opportunities that I did this summer. 
Some of my favorite include… going to a rock concert with my host mom, Barcelona, Florence, many hours in the car across Europe, the hidden gem of an Italian restaurant on the border of Italy and Switzerland, pancakes in Amsterdam, Stanley and all the porters of Kilimanjaro, the Western Breech on Kilimanjaro, photos in the Serengeti, Masai on safari, watching Dad drive in Zanzibar (that’s right we rented a car), snorkeling in Zanzibar.

Keep checking in on my adventures this Fall to Keep up with Kenzie!


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