June 10

Only two more weeks in Montpellier... :( Today we went  to St. Gulheim as a group (round 2 for me!) This time we started the day at some very interesting grottos/caves which could never slide in the U.S because if one of those rocksicles drop it is a lawsuit waiting to happen. After we went into St. Gulheim where I had a wonderful lunch of a whole wheel of brie which is one of those things you can only get away with in France but was just simply delish. We then went to the dam/swimming area and dipped in the very cool water but was tres refreshing as it was very chaud (hot!) The countryside here is beautiful and reminds me of home ,ats I'm writing we are on our way passing through the cutest little towns that resemble the little towns of Napa Valley almost exactly except everything's in French! Thursday was another good day of volunteering and I found a fab dress for 3 euros, definitely a perk of being a volunteer there! Not drinking coffee here is definitely catching up with me not sure green tea is strong enough for me in the morning but I am a big fan of tea now. The new housemates from Trinidad are adding quite the new element to the dinner table, they are quite interesting people all 3 of them are studying to be chefs and are going to internship at hotels in the countryside. My host mom is wonderful we have wonderful conversations about life and a couple mornings ago we're talking and she told me a story about her son and that when he was growing up his answer to what do you want to be when you grow up? It was simply that he wanted to be happy- I think my answer is most definitely the same. 


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