June 13

The language barrier is officially getting old. It is also getting old for my French Professor who was not so happy with me today and my lack of pronunciation skills. I have never realized how big of a disadvantage it is of not knowing a language. So often us English speakers take for granted the relevance of our language and need to step back and think how frustrating it must be for those who do not understand English. Just to be able to order something you want at a restaurant is difficult, which can be a pro and con because at least now I'm becoming very easy going! Yesterday, my adventures took me to a great thai restaurant where I ate an obsene amount of pad thai and then to Montpellier's river, which is very peaceful but needs a little revamping to get to the Seine's level. The whether the past two days has been utterly hot in the way that makes you sweat even after you take a shower. Today, I attempted going to the beach however the schedule online did not match up with the one at the bus stop so my beach adventure ended with a nutella crepe instead! In the heat the only thing i have been able to think of doing is shopping, which I do have to say I am becoming quite good at (not so sure that's something I want to be good at :) But stores do have air conditioning and the shopping in Montpellier does not good old so that is a tres fabulous activity for me. Although the shimmer may be wearing off of Montpellier I am excited to continue exploring and then hit the road again!


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